// *********************************************** // This example commands.js shows you how to // create various custom commands and overwrite // existing commands. // // For more comprehensive examples of custom // commands please read more here: // https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands // *********************************************** // /** * Check the swagger schema: * * @param {string} method API Method in swagger doc, "get", "put", "post", "delete" * @param {string} path Swagger doc endpoint path, exactly as defined in swagger doc * @param {*} data The API response data to check against the swagger schema */ Cypress.Commands.add('validateSwaggerSchema', (method, path, data) => { cy.task('validateSwaggerSchema', { file: Cypress.env('swaggerBase'), endpoint: path, method: method, statusCode: 200, responseSchema: data, verbose: true }).should('equal', null); }); Cypress.Commands.add('getToken', () => { // login with existing user cy.task('backendApiPost', { path: '/api/tokens', data: { identity: "admin@example.com", secret: "changeme" } }).then(res => { cy.wrap(res.result.token); }); });