mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:38:15 -04:00
275 lines
13 KiB
275 lines
13 KiB
"en": {
"str": {
"email-address": "Email address",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"sign-in": "Sign in",
"sign-out": "Sign out",
"try-again": "Try again",
"name": "Name",
"email": "Email",
"roles": "Roles",
"created-on": "Created: {date}",
"save": "Save",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"enable": "Enable",
"disable": "Disable",
"sure": "Yes I'm Sure",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"choose-file": "Choose file",
"source": "Source",
"destination": "Destination",
"ssl": "SSL",
"access": "Access",
"public": "Public",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"logs": "Logs",
"status": "Status",
"online": "Online",
"offline": "Offline",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"expires": "Expires",
"value": "Value",
"please-wait": "Please wait...",
"all": "All",
"any": "Any"
"login": {
"title": "Login to your account"
"main": {
"app": "Nginx Proxy Manager",
"version": "v{version}",
"welcome": "Welcome to Nginx Proxy Manager",
"logged-in": "You are logged in as {name}",
"unknown-error": "Error loading stuff. Please reload the app.",
"unknown-user": "Unknown User",
"sign-in-as": "Sign back in as {name}"
"roles": {
"title": "Roles",
"admin": "Administrator",
"user": "Apache Helicopter"
"menu": {
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"hosts": "Hosts"
"footer": {
"fork-me": "Fork me on Github",
"copy": "© 2021 <a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">jc21.com</a>.",
"theme": "Theme by <a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">Tabler</a>"
"dashboard": {
"title": "Hi {name}"
"all-hosts": {
"empty-subtitle": "{manage, select, true{Why don't you create one?} other{And you don't have permission to create one.}}",
"details": "Details",
"enable-ssl": "Enable SSL",
"force-ssl": "Force SSL",
"http2-support": "HTTP/2 Support",
"domain-names": "Domain Names",
"cert-provider": "Certificate Provider",
"block-exploits": "Block Common Exploits",
"caching-enabled": "Cache Assets",
"ssl-certificate": "SSL Certificate",
"none": "None",
"new-cert": "Request a new SSL Certificate",
"with-le": "with Let's Encrypt",
"no-ssl": "This host will not use HTTPS",
"advanced": "Advanced",
"advanced-warning": "Enter your custom Nginx configuration here at your own risk!",
"advanced-config": "Custom Nginx Configuration",
"hsts-enabled": "HSTS Enabled",
"hsts-subdomains": "HSTS Subdomains",
"locations": "Custom locations"
"locations": {
"new_location": "Add location",
"path": "/path",
"location_label": "Define location",
"delete": "Delete"
"ssl": {
"letsencrypt": "Let's Encrypt",
"other": "Custom",
"none": "HTTP only",
"letsencrypt-email": "Email Address for Let's Encrypt",
"letsencrypt-agree": "I Agree to the <a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">Let's Encrypt Terms of Service</a>",
"delete-ssl": "The SSL certificates attached will NOT be removed, they will need to be removed manually.",
"hosts-warning": "These domains must be already configured to point to this installation",
"no-wildcard-without-dns": "Cannot request Let's Encrypt Certificate for wildcard domains when not using DNS challenge",
"dns-challenge": "Use a DNS Challenge",
"certbot-warning": "This section requires some knowledge about Certbot and its DNS plugins. Please consult the respective plugins documentation.",
"dns-provider": "DNS Provider",
"please-choose": "Please Choose...",
"credentials-file-content": "Credentials File Content",
"credentials-file-content-info": "This plugin requires a configuration file containing an API token or other credentials to your provider",
"stored-as-plaintext-info": "This data will be stored as plaintext in the database and in a file!",
"propagation-seconds": "Propagation Seconds",
"propagation-seconds-info": "Leave empty to use the plugins default value. Number of seconds to wait for DNS propagation.",
"processing-info": "Processing... This might take a few minutes.",
"passphrase-protection-support-info": "Key files protected with a passphrase are not supported."
"proxy-hosts": {
"title": "Proxy Hosts",
"empty": "There are no Proxy Hosts",
"add": "Add Proxy Host",
"form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} Proxy Host",
"forward-scheme": "Scheme",
"forward-host": "Forward Hostname / IP",
"forward-port": "Forward Port",
"delete": "Delete Proxy Host",
"delete-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the Proxy host for: <strong>{domains}</strong>?",
"help-title": "What is a Proxy Host?",
"help-content": "A Proxy Host is the incoming endpoint for a web service that you want to forward.\nIt provides optional SSL termination for your service that might not have SSL support built in.\nProxy Hosts are the most common use for the Nginx Proxy Manager.",
"access-list": "Access List",
"allow-websocket-upgrade": "Websockets Support",
"ignore-invalid-upstream-ssl": "Ignore Invalid SSL",
"custom-forward-host-help": "Use for sub-folder forwarding"
"redirection-hosts": {
"title": "Redirection Hosts",
"empty": "There are no Redirection Hosts",
"add": "Add Redirection Host",
"form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} Redirection Host",
"forward-scheme": "Scheme",
"forward-http-status-code": "HTTP Code",
"forward-domain": "Forward Domain",
"preserve-path": "Preserve Path",
"delete": "Delete Proxy Host",
"delete-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the Redirection host for: <strong>{domains}</strong>?",
"help-title": "What is a Redirection Host?",
"help-content": "A Redirection Host will redirect requests from the incoming domain and push the viewer to another domain.\nThe most common reason to use this type of host is when your website changes domains but you still have search engine or referrer links pointing to the old domain."
"dead-hosts": {
"title": "404 Hosts",
"empty": "There are no 404 Hosts",
"add": "Add 404 Host",
"form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} 404 Host",
"delete": "Delete 404 Host",
"delete-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this 404 Host?",
"help-title": "What is a 404 Host?",
"help-content": "A 404 Host is simply a host setup that shows a 404 page.\nThis can be useful when your domain is listed in search engines and you want to provide a nicer error page or specifically to tell the search indexers that the domain pages no longer exist.\nAnother benefit of having this host is to track the logs for hits to it and view the referrers."
"streams": {
"title": "Streams",
"empty": "There are no Streams",
"add": "Add Stream",
"form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} Stream",
"incoming-port": "Incoming Port",
"forwarding-host": "Forward Host",
"forwarding-port": "Forward Port",
"tcp-forwarding": "TCP Forwarding",
"udp-forwarding": "UDP Forwarding",
"forward-type-error": "At least one type of protocol must be enabled",
"protocol": "Protocol",
"tcp": "TCP",
"udp": "UDP",
"delete": "Delete Stream",
"delete-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this Stream?",
"help-title": "What is a Stream?",
"help-content": "A relatively new feature for Nginx, a Stream will serve to forward TCP/UDP traffic directly to another computer on the network.\nIf you're running game servers, FTP or SSH servers this can come in handy."
"certificates": {
"title": "SSL Certificates",
"empty": "There are no SSL Certificates",
"add": "Add SSL Certificate",
"form-title": "Add {provider, select, letsencrypt{Let's Encrypt} other{Custom}} Certificate",
"delete": "Delete SSL Certificate",
"delete-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this SSL Certificate? Any hosts using it will need to be updated later.",
"help-title": "SSL Certificates",
"help-content": "SSL certificates (correctly known as TLS Certificates) are a form of encryption key which allows your site to be encrypted for the end user.\nNPM uses a service called Let's Encrypt to issue SSL certificates for free.\nIf you have any sort of personal information, passwords, or sensitive data behind NPM, it's probably a good idea to use a certificate.\nNPM also supports DNS authentication for if you're not running your site facing the internet, or if you just want a wildcard certificate.",
"other-certificate": "Certificate",
"other-certificate-key": "Certificate Key",
"other-intermediate-certificate": "Intermediate Certificate",
"force-renew": "Renew Now",
"download": "Download",
"renew-title": "Renew Let'sEncrypt Certificate"
"access-lists": {
"title": "Access Lists",
"empty": "There are no Access Lists",
"add": "Add Access List",
"form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} Access List",
"delete": "Delete Access List",
"delete-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this access list?",
"public": "Publicly Accessible",
"public-sub": "No Access Restrictions",
"help-title": "What is an Access List?",
"help-content": "Access Lists provide a blacklist or whitelist of specific client IP addresses along with authentication for the Proxy Hosts via Basic HTTP Authentication.\nYou can configure multiple client rules, usernames and passwords for a single Access List and then apply that to a Proxy Host.\nThis is most useful for forwarded web services that do not have authentication mechanisms built in or that you want to protect from access by unknown clients.",
"item-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{User} other{Users}}",
"client-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{Rule} other{Rules}}",
"proxy-host-count": "{count} {count, select, 1{Proxy Host} other{Proxy Hosts}}",
"delete-has-hosts": "This Access List is associated with {count} Proxy Hosts. They will become publicly available upon deletion.",
"details": "Details",
"authorization": "Authorization",
"access": "Access",
"satisfy": "Satisfy",
"satisfy-any": "Satisfy Any",
"pass-auth": "Pass Auth to Host",
"access-add": "Add",
"auth-add": "Add"
"users": {
"title": "Users",
"default_error": "Default email address must be changed",
"add": "Add User",
"nickname": "Nickname",
"full-name": "Full Name",
"edit-details": "Edit Details",
"change-password": "Change Password",
"edit-permissions": "Edit Permissions",
"sign-in-as": "Sign in as User",
"form-title": "{id, select, undefined{New} other{Edit}} User",
"delete": "Delete {name, select, undefined{User} other{{name}}}",
"delete-confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete <strong>{name}</strong>?",
"password-title": "Change Password{self, select, false{ for {name}} other{}}",
"current-password": "Current Password",
"new-password": "New Password",
"confirm-password": "Confirm Password",
"permissions-title": "Permissions for {name}",
"admin-perms": "This user is an Administrator and some items cannot be altered",
"perms-visibility": "Item Visibility",
"perms-visibility-user": "Created Items Only",
"perms-visibility-all": "All Items",
"perm-manage": "Manage",
"perm-view": "View Only",
"perm-hidden": "Hidden"
"audit-log": {
"title": "Audit Log",
"empty": "There are no logs.",
"empty-subtitle": "As soon as you or another user changes something, history of those events will show up here.",
"proxy-host": "Proxy Host",
"redirection-host": "Redirection Host",
"dead-host": "404 Host",
"stream": "Stream",
"user": "User",
"certificate": "Certificate",
"access-list": "Access List",
"created": "Created {name}",
"updated": "Updated {name}",
"deleted": "Deleted {name}",
"enabled": "Enabled {name}",
"disabled": "Disabled {name}",
"renewed": "Renewed {name}",
"meta-title": "Details for Event",
"view-meta": "View Details",
"date": "Date"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"default-site": "Default Site",
"default-site-congratulations": "Congratulations Page",
"default-site-404": "404 Page",
"default-site-html": "Custom Page",
"default-site-redirect": "Redirect"