mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 00:38:14 -04:00

* Fix wrapping when too many hosts are shown (#207) * Update npm packages, fixes CVE-2019-10757 * Revert some breaking packages * Major overhaul - Docker buildx support in CI - Cypress API Testing in CI - Restructured folder layout (insert clean face meme) - Added Swagger documentation and validate API against that (to be completed) - Use common base image for all supported archs, which includes updated nginx with ipv6 support - Updated certbot and changes required for it - Large amount of Hosts names will wrap in UI - Updated packages for frontend - Version bump 2.1.0 * Updated documentation * Fix JWT expire time going crazy. Now set to 1day * Backend JS formatting rules * Remove v1 importer, I doubt anyone is using v1 anymore * Added backend formatting rules and enforce them in Jenkins builds * Fix CI, doesn't need a tty * Thanks bcrypt. Why can't you just be normal. * Cleanup after syntax check Co-authored-by: Marcelo Castagna <margaale@users.noreply.github.com>
483 lines
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483 lines
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const _ = require('lodash');
const fs = require('fs');
const batchflow = require('batchflow');
const logger = require('../logger').access;
const error = require('../lib/error');
const accessListModel = require('../models/access_list');
const accessListAuthModel = require('../models/access_list_auth');
const proxyHostModel = require('../models/proxy_host');
const internalAuditLog = require('./audit-log');
const internalNginx = require('./nginx');
const utils = require('../lib/utils');
function omissions () {
return ['is_deleted'];
const internalAccessList = {
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @returns {Promise}
create: (access, data) => {
return access.can('access_lists:create', data)
.then((/*access_data*/) => {
return accessListModel
name: data.name,
owner_user_id: access.token.getUserId(1)
.then((row) => {
data.id = row.id;
// Now add the items
let promises = [];
data.items.map((item) => {
access_list_id: row.id,
username: item.username,
password: item.password
return Promise.all(promises);
.then(() => {
// re-fetch with expansions
return internalAccessList.get(access, {
id: data.id,
expand: ['owner', 'items']
}, true /* <- skip masking */);
.then((row) => {
// Audit log
data.meta = _.assign({}, data.meta || {}, row.meta);
return internalAccessList.build(row)
.then(() => {
if (row.proxy_host_count) {
return internalNginx.reload();
.then(() => {
// Add to audit log
return internalAuditLog.add(access, {
action: 'created',
object_type: 'access-list',
object_id: row.id,
meta: internalAccessList.maskItems(data)
.then(() => {
return internalAccessList.maskItems(row);
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Integer} data.id
* @param {String} [data.name]
* @param {String} [data.items]
* @return {Promise}
update: (access, data) => {
return access.can('access_lists:update', data.id)
.then((/*access_data*/) => {
return internalAccessList.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
if (row.id !== data.id) {
// Sanity check that something crazy hasn't happened
throw new error.InternalValidationError('Access List could not be updated, IDs do not match: ' + row.id + ' !== ' + data.id);
.then(() => {
// patch name if specified
if (typeof data.name !== 'undefined' && data.name) {
return accessListModel
.where({id: data.id})
name: data.name
.then(() => {
// Check for items and add/update/remove them
if (typeof data.items !== 'undefined' && data.items) {
let promises = [];
let items_to_keep = [];
data.items.map(function (item) {
if (item.password) {
access_list_id: data.id,
username: item.username,
password: item.password
} else {
// This was supplied with an empty password, which means keep it but don't change the password
let query = accessListAuthModel
.where('access_list_id', data.id);
if (items_to_keep.length) {
query.andWhere('username', 'NOT IN', items_to_keep);
return query
.then(() => {
// Add new items
if (promises.length) {
return Promise.all(promises);
.then(() => {
// Add to audit log
return internalAuditLog.add(access, {
action: 'updated',
object_type: 'access-list',
object_id: data.id,
meta: internalAccessList.maskItems(data)
.then(() => {
// re-fetch with expansions
return internalAccessList.get(access, {
id: data.id,
expand: ['owner', 'items']
}, true /* <- skip masking */);
.then((row) => {
return internalAccessList.build(row)
.then(() => {
if (row.proxy_host_count) {
return internalNginx.reload();
.then(() => {
return internalAccessList.maskItems(row);
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Integer} data.id
* @param {Array} [data.expand]
* @param {Array} [data.omit]
* @param {Boolean} [skip_masking]
* @return {Promise}
get: (access, data, skip_masking) => {
if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
data = {};
return access.can('access_lists:get', data.id)
.then((access_data) => {
let query = accessListModel
.select('access_list.*', accessListModel.raw('COUNT(proxy_host.id) as proxy_host_count'))
.joinRaw('LEFT JOIN `proxy_host` ON `proxy_host`.`access_list_id` = `access_list`.`id` AND `proxy_host`.`is_deleted` = 0')
.where('access_list.is_deleted', 0)
.andWhere('access_list.id', data.id)
if (access_data.permission_visibility !== 'all') {
query.andWhere('access_list.owner_user_id', access.token.getUserId(1));
// Custom omissions
if (typeof data.omit !== 'undefined' && data.omit !== null) {
if (typeof data.expand !== 'undefined' && data.expand !== null) {
query.eager('[' + data.expand.join(', ') + ']');
return query;
.then((row) => {
if (row) {
if (!skip_masking && typeof row.items !== 'undefined' && row.items) {
row = internalAccessList.maskItems(row);
return _.omit(row, omissions());
} else {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Integer} data.id
* @param {String} [data.reason]
* @returns {Promise}
delete: (access, data) => {
return access.can('access_lists:delete', data.id)
.then(() => {
return internalAccessList.get(access, {id: data.id, expand: ['proxy_hosts', 'items']});
.then((row) => {
if (!row) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
// 1. update row to be deleted
// 2. update any proxy hosts that were using it (ignoring permissions)
// 3. reconfigure those hosts
// 4. audit log
// 1. update row to be deleted
return accessListModel
.where('id', row.id)
is_deleted: 1
.then(() => {
// 2. update any proxy hosts that were using it (ignoring permissions)
if (row.proxy_hosts) {
return proxyHostModel
.where('access_list_id', '=', row.id)
.patch({access_list_id: 0})
.then(() => {
// 3. reconfigure those hosts, then reload nginx
// set the access_list_id to zero for these items
row.proxy_hosts.map(function (val, idx) {
row.proxy_hosts[idx].access_list_id = 0;
return internalNginx.bulkGenerateConfigs('proxy_host', row.proxy_hosts);
.then(() => {
return internalNginx.reload();
.then(() => {
// delete the htpasswd file
let htpasswd_file = internalAccessList.getFilename(row);
try {
} catch (err) {
// do nothing
.then(() => {
// 4. audit log
return internalAuditLog.add(access, {
action: 'deleted',
object_type: 'access-list',
object_id: row.id,
meta: _.omit(internalAccessList.maskItems(row), ['is_deleted', 'proxy_hosts'])
.then(() => {
return true;
* All Lists
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Array} [expand]
* @param {String} [search_query]
* @returns {Promise}
getAll: (access, expand, search_query) => {
return access.can('access_lists:list')
.then((access_data) => {
let query = accessListModel
.select('access_list.*', accessListModel.raw('COUNT(proxy_host.id) as proxy_host_count'))
.joinRaw('LEFT JOIN `proxy_host` ON `proxy_host`.`access_list_id` = `access_list`.`id` AND `proxy_host`.`is_deleted` = 0')
.where('access_list.is_deleted', 0)
.orderBy('access_list.name', 'ASC');
if (access_data.permission_visibility !== 'all') {
query.andWhere('owner_user_id', access.token.getUserId(1));
// Query is used for searching
if (typeof search_query === 'string') {
query.where(function () {
this.where('name', 'like', '%' + search_query + '%');
if (typeof expand !== 'undefined' && expand !== null) {
query.eager('[' + expand.join(', ') + ']');
return query;
.then((rows) => {
if (rows) {
rows.map(function (row, idx) {
if (typeof row.items !== 'undefined' && row.items) {
rows[idx] = internalAccessList.maskItems(row);
return rows;
* Report use
* @param {Integer} user_id
* @param {String} visibility
* @returns {Promise}
getCount: (user_id, visibility) => {
let query = accessListModel
.count('id as count')
.where('is_deleted', 0);
if (visibility !== 'all') {
query.andWhere('owner_user_id', user_id);
return query.first()
.then((row) => {
return parseInt(row.count, 10);
* @param {Object} list
* @returns {Object}
maskItems: (list) => {
if (list && typeof list.items !== 'undefined') {
list.items.map(function (val, idx) {
let repeat_for = 8;
let first_char = '*';
if (typeof val.password !== 'undefined' && val.password) {
repeat_for = val.password.length - 1;
first_char = val.password.charAt(0);
list.items[idx].hint = first_char + ('*').repeat(repeat_for);
list.items[idx].password = '';
return list;
* @param {Object} list
* @param {Integer} list.id
* @returns {String}
getFilename: (list) => {
return '/data/access/' + list.id;
* @param {Object} list
* @param {Integer} list.id
* @param {String} list.name
* @param {Array} list.items
* @returns {Promise}
build: (list) => {
logger.info('Building Access file #' + list.id + ' for: ' + list.name);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let htpasswd_file = internalAccessList.getFilename(list);
// 1. remove any existing access file
try {
} catch (err) {
// do nothing
// 2. create empty access file
try {
fs.writeFileSync(htpasswd_file, '', {encoding: 'utf8'});
} catch (err) {
.then((htpasswd_file) => {
// 3. generate password for each user
if (list.items.length) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.each((i, item, next) => {
if (typeof item.password !== 'undefined' && item.password.length) {
logger.info('Adding: ' + item.username);
utils.exec('/usr/bin/htpasswd -b "' + htpasswd_file + '" "' + item.username + '" "' + item.password + '"')
.then((/*result*/) => {
.catch((err) => {
.error((err) => {
.end((results) => {
logger.success('Built Access file #' + list.id + ' for: ' + list.name);
module.exports = internalAccessList;