vipergts450 6a46e88f8f
Fix renderLocations to accept more parameters from host
Amend renderLocations to pass more host parameters into the custom locations to match the requirements set for the default location. This will apply all parameters set in the UI to all custom locations.
2021-05-06 22:29:21 -04:00

437 lines
11 KiB

const _ = require('lodash');
const fs = require('fs');
const logger = require('../logger').nginx;
const utils = require('../lib/utils');
const error = require('../lib/error');
const { Liquid } = require('liquidjs');
const debug_mode = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' || !!process.env.DEBUG;
const internalNginx = {
* This will:
* - test the nginx config first to make sure it's OK
* - create / recreate the config for the host
* - test again
* - IF OK: update the meta with online status
* - IF BAD: update the meta with offline status and remove the config entirely
* - then reload nginx
* @param {Object|String} model
* @param {String} host_type
* @param {Object} host
* @returns {Promise}
configure: (model, host_type, host) => {
let combined_meta = {};
return internalNginx.test()
.then(() => {
// Nginx is OK
// We're deleting this config regardless.
return internalNginx.deleteConfig(host_type, host); // Don't throw errors, as the file may not exist at all
.then(() => {
return internalNginx.generateConfig(host_type, host);
.then(() => {
// Test nginx again and update meta with result
return internalNginx.test()
.then(() => {
// nginx is ok
combined_meta = _.assign({}, host.meta, {
nginx_online: true,
nginx_err: null
return model
meta: combined_meta
.catch((err) => {
// Remove the error_log line because it's a docker-ism false positive that doesn't need to be reported.
// It will always look like this:
// nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (6: No such device or address)
let valid_lines = [];
let err_lines = err.message.split('\n'); (line) {
if (line.indexOf('/var/log/nginx/error.log') === -1) {
if (debug_mode) {
logger.error('Nginx test failed:', valid_lines.join('\n'));
// config is bad, update meta and delete config
combined_meta = _.assign({}, host.meta, {
nginx_online: false,
nginx_err: valid_lines.join('\n')
return model
meta: combined_meta
.then(() => {
return internalNginx.deleteConfig(host_type, host, true);
.then(() => {
return internalNginx.reload();
.then(() => {
return combined_meta;
* @returns {Promise}
test: () => {
if (debug_mode) {'Testing Nginx configuration');
return utils.exec('/usr/sbin/nginx -t ');
* @returns {Promise}
reload: () => {
return internalNginx.test()
.then(() => {'Reloading Nginx');
return utils.exec('/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload');
* @param {String} host_type
* @param {Integer} host_id
* @returns {String}
getConfigName: (host_type, host_id) => {
host_type = host_type.replace(new RegExp('-', 'g'), '_');
if (host_type === 'default') {
return '/data/nginx/default_host/site.conf';
return '/data/nginx/' + host_type + '/' + host_id + '.conf';
* Generates custom locations
* @param {Object} host
* @returns {Promise}
renderLocations: (host) => {
//'host = ' + JSON.stringify(host, null, 2));
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let template;
try {
template = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../templates/_location.conf', {encoding: 'utf8'});
} catch (err) {
reject(new error.ConfigurationError(err.message));
let renderer = new Liquid({
root: __dirname + '/../templates/'
let renderedLocations = '';
const locationRendering = async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < host.locations.length; i++) {
let locationCopy = Object.assign({}, {access_list_id : host.access_list_id}, {certificate_id : host.certificate_id},
{ssl_forced : host.ssl_forced}, {caching_enabled : host.caching_enabled},
{block_exploits : host.block_exploits}, {allow_websocket_upgrade : host.allow_websocket_upgrade},
{http2_support : host.http2_support}, {hsts_enabled : host.hsts_enabled},
{hsts_subdomains : host.hsts_subdomains}, {access_list : host.access_list},
{certificate : host.certificate}, host.locations[i]);
if (locationCopy.forward_host.indexOf('/') > -1) {
const splitted = locationCopy.forward_host.split('/');
locationCopy.forward_host = splitted.shift();
locationCopy.forward_path = `/${splitted.join('/')}`;
//'locationCopy = ' + JSON.stringify(locationCopy, null, 2));
// eslint-disable-next-line
renderedLocations += await renderer.parseAndRender(template, locationCopy);
locationRendering().then(() => resolve(renderedLocations));
* @param {String} host_type
* @param {Object} host
* @returns {Promise}
generateConfig: (host_type, host) => {
host_type = host_type.replace(new RegExp('-', 'g'), '_');
if (debug_mode) {'Generating ' + host_type + ' Config:', host);
//'host = ' + JSON.stringify(host, null, 2));
let renderEngine = new Liquid({
root: __dirname + '/../templates/'
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let template = null;
let filename = internalNginx.getConfigName(host_type,;
try {
template = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../templates/' + host_type + '.conf', {encoding: 'utf8'});
} catch (err) {
reject(new error.ConfigurationError(err.message));
let locationsPromise;
let origLocations;
// Manipulate the data a bit before sending it to the template
if (host_type !== 'default') {
host.use_default_location = true;
if (typeof host.advanced_config !== 'undefined' && host.advanced_config) {
host.use_default_location = !internalNginx.advancedConfigHasDefaultLocation(host.advanced_config);
if (host.locations) {
// ('host.locations = ' + JSON.stringify(host.locations, null, 2));
origLocations = [].concat(host.locations);
locationsPromise = internalNginx.renderLocations(host).then((renderedLocations) => {
host.locations = renderedLocations;
// Allow someone who is using / custom location path to use it, and skip the default / location, (location) => {
if (location.path === '/') {
host.use_default_location = false;
} else {
locationsPromise = Promise.resolve();
// Set the IPv6 setting for the host
host.ipv6 = internalNginx.ipv6Enabled();
locationsPromise.then(() => {
.parseAndRender(template, host)
.then((config_text) => {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, config_text, {encoding: 'utf8'});
if (debug_mode) {
logger.success('Wrote config:', filename, config_text);
// Restore locations array
host.locations = origLocations;
.catch((err) => {
if (debug_mode) {
logger.warn('Could not write ' + filename + ':', err.message);
reject(new error.ConfigurationError(err.message));
* This generates a temporary nginx config listening on port 80 for the domain names listed
* in the certificate setup. It allows the letsencrypt acme challenge to be requested by letsencrypt
* when requesting a certificate without having a hostname set up already.
* @param {Object} certificate
* @returns {Promise}
generateLetsEncryptRequestConfig: (certificate) => {
if (debug_mode) {'Generating LetsEncrypt Request Config:', certificate);
let renderEngine = new Liquid({
root: __dirname + '/../templates/'
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let template = null;
let filename = '/data/nginx/temp/letsencrypt_' + + '.conf';
try {
template = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../templates/letsencrypt-request.conf', {encoding: 'utf8'});
} catch (err) {
reject(new error.ConfigurationError(err.message));
certificate.ipv6 = internalNginx.ipv6Enabled();
.parseAndRender(template, certificate)
.then((config_text) => {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, config_text, {encoding: 'utf8'});
if (debug_mode) {
logger.success('Wrote config:', filename, config_text);
.catch((err) => {
if (debug_mode) {
logger.warn('Could not write ' + filename + ':', err.message);
reject(new error.ConfigurationError(err.message));
* This removes the temporary nginx config file generated by `generateLetsEncryptRequestConfig`
* @param {Object} certificate
* @param {Boolean} [throw_errors]
* @returns {Promise}
deleteLetsEncryptRequestConfig: (certificate, throw_errors) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
let config_file = '/data/nginx/temp/letsencrypt_' + + '.conf';
if (debug_mode) {
logger.warn('Deleting nginx config: ' + config_file);
} catch (err) {
if (debug_mode) {
logger.warn('Could not delete config:', err.message);
if (throw_errors) {
* @param {String} host_type
* @param {Object} [host]
* @param {Boolean} [throw_errors]
* @returns {Promise}
deleteConfig: (host_type, host, throw_errors) => {
host_type = host_type.replace(new RegExp('-', 'g'), '_');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
let config_file = internalNginx.getConfigName(host_type, typeof host === 'undefined' ? 0 :;
if (debug_mode) {
logger.warn('Deleting nginx config: ' + config_file);
} catch (err) {
if (debug_mode) {
logger.warn('Could not delete config:', err.message);
if (throw_errors) {
* @param {String} host_type
* @param {Array} hosts
* @returns {Promise}
bulkGenerateConfigs: (host_type, hosts) => {
let promises = []; (host) {
promises.push(internalNginx.generateConfig(host_type, host));
return Promise.all(promises);
* @param {String} host_type
* @param {Array} hosts
* @param {Boolean} [throw_errors]
* @returns {Promise}
bulkDeleteConfigs: (host_type, hosts, throw_errors) => {
let promises = []; (host) {
promises.push(internalNginx.deleteConfig(host_type, host, throw_errors));
return Promise.all(promises);
* @param {string} config
* @returns {boolean}
advancedConfigHasDefaultLocation: function (config) {
return !!config.match(/^(?:.*;)?\s*?location\s*?\/\s*?{/im);
* @returns {boolean}
ipv6Enabled: function () {
if (typeof process.env.DISABLE_IPV6 !== 'undefined') {
const disabled = process.env.DISABLE_IPV6.toLowerCase();
return !(disabled === 'on' || disabled === 'true' || disabled === '1' || disabled === 'yes');
return true;
module.exports = internalNginx;