mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 07:48:14 -04:00
1239 lines
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1239 lines
38 KiB
const _ = require('lodash');
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');
const tempWrite = require('temp-write');
const moment = require('moment');
const archiver = require('archiver');
const path = require('path');
const { isArray } = require('lodash');
const logger = require('../logger').ssl;
const config = require('../lib/config');
const error = require('../lib/error');
const utils = require('../lib/utils');
const certbot = require('../lib/certbot');
const certificateModel = require('../models/certificate');
const tokenModel = require('../models/token');
const dnsPlugins = require('../global/certbot-dns-plugins.json');
const internalAuditLog = require('./audit-log');
const internalNginx = require('./nginx');
const internalHost = require('./host');
const letsencryptStaging = config.useLetsencryptStaging();
const letsencryptServer = config.useLetsencryptServer();
const letsencryptConfig = '/etc/letsencrypt.ini';
const certbotCommand = 'certbot';
function omissions() {
return ['is_deleted', 'owner.is_deleted'];
const internalCertificate = {
allowedSslFiles: ['certificate', 'certificate_key', 'intermediate_certificate'],
intervalTimeout: 1000 * 60 * 60, // 1 hour
interval: null,
intervalProcessing: false,
renewBeforeExpirationBy: [30, 'days'],
initTimer: () => {
logger.info('Let\'s Encrypt Renewal Timer initialized');
internalCertificate.interval = setInterval(internalCertificate.processExpiringHosts, internalCertificate.intervalTimeout);
// And do this now as well
* Triggered by a timer, this will check for expiring hosts and renew their ssl certs if required
processExpiringHosts: () => {
if (!internalCertificate.intervalProcessing) {
internalCertificate.intervalProcessing = true;
logger.info('Renewing SSL certs expiring within ' + internalCertificate.renewBeforeExpirationBy[0] + ' ' + internalCertificate.renewBeforeExpirationBy[1] + ' ...');
const expirationThreshold = moment().add(internalCertificate.renewBeforeExpirationBy[0], internalCertificate.renewBeforeExpirationBy[1]).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
// Fetch all the letsencrypt certs from the db that will expire within the configured threshold
.where('is_deleted', 0)
.andWhere('provider', 'letsencrypt')
.andWhere('expires_on', '<', expirationThreshold)
.then((certificates) => {
if (!certificates || !certificates.length) {
return null;
* Renews must be run sequentially or we'll get an error 'Another
* instance of Certbot is already running.'
let sequence = Promise.resolve();
certificates.forEach(function (certificate) {
sequence = sequence.then(() =>
can: () =>
permission_visibility: 'all',
token: new tokenModel(),
{ id: certificate.id },
.catch((err) => {
// Don't want to stop the train here, just log the error
return sequence;
.then(() => {
logger.info('Completed SSL cert renew process');
internalCertificate.intervalProcessing = false;
.catch((err) => {
internalCertificate.intervalProcessing = false;
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @returns {Promise}
create: (access, data) => {
return access.can('certificates:create', data)
.then(() => {
data.owner_user_id = access.token.getUserId(1);
if (data.provider === 'letsencrypt') {
data.nice_name = data.domain_names.join(', ');
return certificateModel
.then((certificate) => {
if (certificate.provider === 'letsencrypt') {
// Request a new Cert from LE. Let the fun begin.
// 1. Find out any hosts that are using any of the hostnames in this cert
// 2. Disable them in nginx temporarily
// 3. Generate the LE config
// 4. Request cert
// 5. Remove LE config
// 6. Re-instate previously disabled hosts
// 1. Find out any hosts that are using any of the hostnames in this cert
return internalHost.getHostsWithDomains(certificate.domain_names)
.then((in_use_result) => {
// 2. Disable them in nginx temporarily
return internalCertificate.disableInUseHosts(in_use_result)
.then(() => {
return in_use_result;
.then((in_use_result) => {
// With DNS challenge no config is needed, so skip 3 and 5.
if (certificate.meta.dns_challenge) {
return internalNginx.reload().then(() => {
// 4. Request cert
return internalCertificate.requestLetsEncryptSslWithDnsChallenge(certificate);
.then(() => {
// 6. Re-instate previously disabled hosts
return internalCertificate.enableInUseHosts(in_use_result);
.then(() => {
return certificate;
.catch((err) => {
// In the event of failure, revert things and throw err back
return internalCertificate.enableInUseHosts(in_use_result)
.then(() => {
throw err;
} else {
// 3. Generate the LE config
return internalNginx.generateLetsEncryptRequestConfig(certificate)
.then(async() => await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 5000)))
.then(() => {
// 4. Request cert
return internalCertificate.requestLetsEncryptSsl(certificate);
.then(() => {
// 5. Remove LE config
return internalNginx.deleteLetsEncryptRequestConfig(certificate);
.then(() => {
// 6. Re-instate previously disabled hosts
return internalCertificate.enableInUseHosts(in_use_result);
.then(() => {
return certificate;
.catch((err) => {
// In the event of failure, revert things and throw err back
return internalNginx.deleteLetsEncryptRequestConfig(certificate)
.then(() => {
return internalCertificate.enableInUseHosts(in_use_result);
.then(() => {
throw err;
.then(() => {
// At this point, the letsencrypt cert should exist on disk.
// Lets get the expiry date from the file and update the row silently
return internalCertificate.getCertificateInfoFromFile('/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-' + certificate.id + '/fullchain.pem')
.then((cert_info) => {
return certificateModel
.patchAndFetchById(certificate.id, {
expires_on: moment(cert_info.dates.to, 'X').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
.then((saved_row) => {
// Add cert data for audit log
saved_row.meta = _.assign({}, saved_row.meta, {
letsencrypt_certificate: cert_info
return saved_row;
}).catch(async (error) => {
// Delete the certificate from the database if it was not created successfully
await certificateModel
throw error;
} else {
return certificate;
}).then((certificate) => {
data.meta = _.assign({}, data.meta || {}, certificate.meta);
// Add to audit log
return internalAuditLog.add(access, {
action: 'created',
object_type: 'certificate',
object_id: certificate.id,
meta: data
.then(() => {
return certificate;
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Number} data.id
* @param {String} [data.email]
* @param {String} [data.name]
* @return {Promise}
update: (access, data) => {
return access.can('certificates:update', data.id)
.then((/*access_data*/) => {
return internalCertificate.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
if (row.id !== data.id) {
// Sanity check that something crazy hasn't happened
throw new error.InternalValidationError('Certificate could not be updated, IDs do not match: ' + row.id + ' !== ' + data.id);
return certificateModel
.patchAndFetchById(row.id, data)
.then((saved_row) => {
saved_row.meta = internalCertificate.cleanMeta(saved_row.meta);
data.meta = internalCertificate.cleanMeta(data.meta);
// Add row.nice_name for custom certs
if (saved_row.provider === 'other') {
data.nice_name = saved_row.nice_name;
// Add to audit log
return internalAuditLog.add(access, {
action: 'updated',
object_type: 'certificate',
object_id: row.id,
meta: _.omit(data, ['expires_on']) // this prevents json circular reference because expires_on might be raw
.then(() => {
return saved_row;
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Number} data.id
* @param {Array} [data.expand]
* @param {Array} [data.omit]
* @return {Promise}
get: (access, data) => {
if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
data = {};
return access.can('certificates:get', data.id)
.then((access_data) => {
let query = certificateModel
.where('is_deleted', 0)
.andWhere('id', data.id)
if (access_data.permission_visibility !== 'all') {
query.andWhere('owner_user_id', access.token.getUserId(1));
if (typeof data.expand !== 'undefined' && data.expand !== null) {
query.withGraphFetched('[' + data.expand.join(', ') + ']');
return query.then(utils.omitRow(omissions()));
.then((row) => {
if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
// Custom omissions
if (typeof data.omit !== 'undefined' && data.omit !== null) {
row = _.omit(row, data.omit);
return row;
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Number} data.id
* @returns {Promise}
download: (access, data) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
access.can('certificates:get', data)
.then(() => {
return internalCertificate.get(access, data);
.then((certificate) => {
if (certificate.provider === 'letsencrypt') {
const zipDirectory = '/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-' + data.id;
if (!fs.existsSync(zipDirectory)) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError('Certificate ' + certificate.nice_name + ' does not exists');
let certFiles = fs.readdirSync(zipDirectory)
.filter((fn) => fn.endsWith('.pem'))
.map((fn) => fs.realpathSync(path.join(zipDirectory, fn)));
const downloadName = 'npm-' + data.id + '-' + `${Date.now()}.zip`;
const opName = '/tmp/' + downloadName;
internalCertificate.zipFiles(certFiles, opName)
.then(() => {
logger.debug('zip completed : ', opName);
const resp = {
fileName: opName
}).catch((err) => reject(err));
} else {
throw new error.ValidationError('Only Let\'sEncrypt certificates can be downloaded');
}).catch((err) => reject(err));
* @param {String} source
* @param {String} out
* @returns {Promise}
zipFiles(source, out) {
const archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } });
const stream = fs.createWriteStream(out);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.map((fl) => {
let fileName = path.basename(fl);
logger.debug(fl, 'added to certificate zip');
archive.file(fl, { name: fileName });
.on('error', (err) => reject(err))
stream.on('close', () => resolve());
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Number} data.id
* @param {String} [data.reason]
* @returns {Promise}
delete: (access, data) => {
return access.can('certificates:delete', data.id)
.then(() => {
return internalCertificate.get(access, {id: data.id});
.then((row) => {
if (!row || !row.id) {
throw new error.ItemNotFoundError(data.id);
return certificateModel
.where('id', row.id)
is_deleted: 1
.then(() => {
// Add to audit log
row.meta = internalCertificate.cleanMeta(row.meta);
return internalAuditLog.add(access, {
action: 'deleted',
object_type: 'certificate',
object_id: row.id,
meta: _.omit(row, omissions())
.then(() => {
if (row.provider === 'letsencrypt') {
// Revoke the cert
return internalCertificate.revokeLetsEncryptSsl(row);
.then(() => {
return true;
* All Certs
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Array} [expand]
* @param {String} [search_query]
* @returns {Promise}
getAll: (access, expand, search_query) => {
return access.can('certificates:list')
.then((access_data) => {
let query = certificateModel
.where('is_deleted', 0)
.orderBy('nice_name', 'ASC');
if (access_data.permission_visibility !== 'all') {
query.andWhere('owner_user_id', access.token.getUserId(1));
// Query is used for searching
if (typeof search_query === 'string') {
query.where(function () {
this.where('nice_name', 'like', '%' + search_query + '%');
if (typeof expand !== 'undefined' && expand !== null) {
query.withGraphFetched('[' + expand.join(', ') + ']');
return query.then(utils.omitRows(omissions()));
* Report use
* @param {Number} user_id
* @param {String} visibility
* @returns {Promise}
getCount: (user_id, visibility) => {
let query = certificateModel
.count('id as count')
.where('is_deleted', 0);
if (visibility !== 'all') {
query.andWhere('owner_user_id', user_id);
return query.first()
.then((row) => {
return parseInt(row.count, 10);
* @param {Object} certificate
* @returns {Promise}
writeCustomCert: (certificate) => {
logger.info('Writing Custom Certificate:', certificate);
const dir = '/data/custom_ssl/npm-' + certificate.id;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (certificate.provider === 'letsencrypt') {
reject(new Error('Refusing to write letsencrypt certs here'));
let certData = certificate.meta.certificate;
if (typeof certificate.meta.intermediate_certificate !== 'undefined') {
certData = certData + '\n' + certificate.meta.intermediate_certificate;
try {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
} catch (err) {
fs.writeFile(dir + '/fullchain.pem', certData, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
.then(() => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.writeFile(dir + '/privkey.pem', certificate.meta.certificate_key, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Array} data.domain_names
* @param {String} data.meta.letsencrypt_email
* @param {Boolean} data.meta.letsencrypt_agree
* @returns {Promise}
createQuickCertificate: (access, data) => {
return internalCertificate.create(access, {
provider: 'letsencrypt',
domain_names: data.domain_names,
meta: data.meta
* Validates that the certs provided are good.
* No access required here, nothing is changed or stored.
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} data.files
* @returns {Promise}
validate: (data) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Put file contents into an object
let files = {};
_.map(data.files, (file, name) => {
if (internalCertificate.allowedSslFiles.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
files[name] = file.data.toString();
.then((files) => {
// For each file, create a temp file and write the contents to it
// Then test it depending on the file type
let promises = [];
_.map(files, (content, type) => {
promises.push(new Promise((resolve) => {
if (type === 'certificate_key') {
} else {
// this should handle `certificate` and intermediate certificate
resolve(internalCertificate.getCertificateInfo(content, true));
}).then((res) => {
return {[type]: res};
return Promise.all(promises)
.then((files) => {
let data = {};
_.each(files, (file) => {
data = _.assign({}, data, file);
return data;
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Number} data.id
* @param {Object} data.files
* @returns {Promise}
upload: (access, data) => {
return internalCertificate.get(access, {id: data.id})
.then((row) => {
if (row.provider !== 'other') {
throw new error.ValidationError('Cannot upload certificates for this type of provider');
return internalCertificate.validate(data)
.then((validations) => {
if (typeof validations.certificate === 'undefined') {
throw new error.ValidationError('Certificate file was not provided');
_.map(data.files, (file, name) => {
if (internalCertificate.allowedSslFiles.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
row.meta[name] = file.data.toString();
// TODO: This uses a mysql only raw function that won't translate to postgres
return internalCertificate.update(access, {
id: data.id,
expires_on: moment(validations.certificate.dates.to, 'X').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
domain_names: [validations.certificate.cn],
meta: _.clone(row.meta) // Prevent the update method from changing this value that we'll use later
.then((certificate) => {
certificate.meta = row.meta;
return internalCertificate.writeCustomCert(certificate);
.then(() => {
return _.pick(row.meta, internalCertificate.allowedSslFiles);
* Uses the openssl command to validate the private key.
* It will save the file to disk first, then run commands on it, then delete the file.
* @param {String} private_key This is the entire key contents as a string
checkPrivateKey: (private_key) => {
return tempWrite(private_key, '/tmp')
.then((filepath) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const failTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new error.ValidationError('Result Validation Error: Validation timed out. This could be due to the key being passphrase-protected.'));
}, 10000);
.exec('openssl pkey -in ' + filepath + ' -check -noout 2>&1 ')
.then((result) => {
if (!result.toLowerCase().includes('key is valid')) {
reject(new error.ValidationError('Result Validation Error: ' + result));
.catch((err) => {
reject(new error.ValidationError('Certificate Key is not valid (' + err.message + ')', err));
* Uses the openssl command to both validate and get info out of the certificate.
* It will save the file to disk first, then run commands on it, then delete the file.
* @param {String} certificate This is the entire cert contents as a string
* @param {Boolean} [throw_expired] Throw when the certificate is out of date
getCertificateInfo: (certificate, throw_expired) => {
return tempWrite(certificate, '/tmp')
.then((filepath) => {
return internalCertificate.getCertificateInfoFromFile(filepath, throw_expired)
.then((certData) => {
return certData;
}).catch((err) => {
throw err;
* Uses the openssl command to both validate and get info out of the certificate.
* It will save the file to disk first, then run commands on it, then delete the file.
* @param {String} certificate_file The file location on disk
* @param {Boolean} [throw_expired] Throw when the certificate is out of date
getCertificateInfoFromFile: (certificate_file, throw_expired) => {
let certData = {};
return utils.exec('openssl x509 -in ' + certificate_file + ' -subject -noout')
.then((result) => {
// Examples:
// subject=CN = *.jc21.com
// subject=CN = something.example.com
const regex = /(?:subject=)?[^=]+=\s+(\S+)/gim;
const match = regex.exec(result);
if (match && typeof match[1] !== 'undefined') {
certData['cn'] = match[1];
.then(() => {
return utils.exec('openssl x509 -in ' + certificate_file + ' -issuer -noout');
.then((result) => {
// Examples:
// issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3
// issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = E5
// issuer=O = NginxProxyManager, CN = NginxProxyManager Intermediate CA","O = NginxProxyManager, CN = NginxProxyManager Intermediate CA
const regex = /^(?:issuer=)?(.*)$/gim;
const match = regex.exec(result);
if (match && typeof match[1] !== 'undefined') {
certData['issuer'] = match[1];
.then(() => {
return utils.exec('openssl x509 -in ' + certificate_file + ' -dates -noout');
.then((result) => {
// notBefore=Jul 14 04:04:29 2018 GMT
// notAfter=Oct 12 04:04:29 2018 GMT
let validFrom = null;
let validTo = null;
const lines = result.split('\n');
lines.map(function (str) {
const regex = /^(\S+)=(.*)$/gim;
const match = regex.exec(str.trim());
if (match && typeof match[2] !== 'undefined') {
const date = parseInt(moment(match[2], 'MMM DD HH:mm:ss YYYY z').format('X'), 10);
if (match[1].toLowerCase() === 'notbefore') {
validFrom = date;
} else if (match[1].toLowerCase() === 'notafter') {
validTo = date;
if (!validFrom || !validTo) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Could not determine dates from certificate: ' + result);
if (throw_expired && validTo < parseInt(moment().format('X'), 10)) {
throw new error.ValidationError('Certificate has expired');
certData['dates'] = {
from: validFrom,
to: validTo
return certData;
}).catch((err) => {
throw new error.ValidationError('Certificate is not valid (' + err.message + ')', err);
* Cleans the ssl keys from the meta object and sets them to "true"
* @param {Object} meta
* @param {Boolean} [remove]
* @returns {Object}
cleanMeta: function (meta, remove) {
internalCertificate.allowedSslFiles.map((key) => {
if (typeof meta[key] !== 'undefined' && meta[key]) {
if (remove) {
delete meta[key];
} else {
meta[key] = true;
return meta;
* Request a certificate using the http challenge
* @param {Object} certificate the certificate row
* @returns {Promise}
requestLetsEncryptSsl: (certificate) => {
logger.info('Requesting Let\'sEncrypt certificates for Cert #' + certificate.id + ': ' + certificate.domain_names.join(', '));
const cmd = `${certbotCommand} certonly ` +
`--config '${letsencryptConfig}' ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
`--cert-name "npm-${certificate.id}" ` +
'--agree-tos ' +
'--authenticator webroot ' +
`--email '${certificate.meta.letsencrypt_email}' ` +
'--preferred-challenges "dns,http" ' +
`--domains "${certificate.domain_names.join(',')}" ` +
(letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
(letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
logger.info('Command:', cmd);
return utils.exec(cmd)
.then((result) => {
return result;
* @param {Object} certificate the certificate row
* @param {String} dns_provider the dns provider name (key used in `certbot-dns-plugins.json`)
* @param {String | null} credentials the content of this providers credentials file
* @param {String} propagation_seconds
* @returns {Promise}
requestLetsEncryptSslWithDnsChallenge: async (certificate) => {
await certbot.installPlugin(certificate.meta.dns_provider);
const dnsPlugin = dnsPlugins[certificate.meta.dns_provider];
logger.info(`Requesting Let'sEncrypt certificates via ${dnsPlugin.name} for Cert #${certificate.id}: ${certificate.domain_names.join(', ')}`);
const credentialsLocation = '/etc/letsencrypt/credentials/credentials-' + certificate.id;
fs.mkdirSync('/etc/letsencrypt/credentials', { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(credentialsLocation, certificate.meta.dns_provider_credentials, {mode: 0o600});
// Whether the plugin has a --<name>-credentials argument
const hasConfigArg = certificate.meta.dns_provider !== 'route53';
let mainCmd = certbotCommand + ' certonly ' +
`--config '${letsencryptConfig}' ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
`--cert-name 'npm-${certificate.id}' ` +
'--agree-tos ' +
`--email '${certificate.meta.letsencrypt_email}' ` +
`--domains '${certificate.domain_names.join(',')}' ` +
`--authenticator '${dnsPlugin.full_plugin_name}' ` +
? `--${dnsPlugin.full_plugin_name}-credentials '${credentialsLocation}' `
: ''
) +
certificate.meta.propagation_seconds !== undefined
? `--${dnsPlugin.full_plugin_name}-propagation-seconds '${certificate.meta.propagation_seconds}' `
: ''
) +
(letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
(letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
// Prepend the path to the credentials file as an environment variable
if (certificate.meta.dns_provider === 'route53') {
mainCmd = 'AWS_CONFIG_FILE=\'' + credentialsLocation + '\' ' + mainCmd;
if (certificate.meta.dns_provider === 'duckdns') {
mainCmd = mainCmd + ' --dns-duckdns-no-txt-restore';
logger.info('Command:', mainCmd);
try {
const result = await utils.exec(mainCmd);
return result;
} catch (err) {
// Don't fail if file does not exist, so no need for action in the callback
fs.unlink(credentialsLocation, () => {});
throw err;
* @param {Access} access
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Number} data.id
* @returns {Promise}
renew: (access, data) => {
return access.can('certificates:update', data)
.then(() => {
return internalCertificate.get(access, data);
.then((certificate) => {
if (certificate.provider === 'letsencrypt') {
const renewMethod = certificate.meta.dns_challenge ? internalCertificate.renewLetsEncryptSslWithDnsChallenge : internalCertificate.renewLetsEncryptSsl;
return renewMethod(certificate)
.then(() => {
return internalCertificate.getCertificateInfoFromFile('/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-' + certificate.id + '/fullchain.pem');
.then((cert_info) => {
return certificateModel
.patchAndFetchById(certificate.id, {
expires_on: moment(cert_info.dates.to, 'X').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
.then((updated_certificate) => {
// Add to audit log
return internalAuditLog.add(access, {
action: 'renewed',
object_type: 'certificate',
object_id: updated_certificate.id,
meta: updated_certificate
.then(() => {
return updated_certificate;
} else {
throw new error.ValidationError('Only Let\'sEncrypt certificates can be renewed');
* @param {Object} certificate the certificate row
* @returns {Promise}
renewLetsEncryptSsl: (certificate) => {
logger.info('Renewing Let\'sEncrypt certificates for Cert #' + certificate.id + ': ' + certificate.domain_names.join(', '));
const cmd = certbotCommand + ' renew --force-renewal ' +
`--config '${letsencryptConfig}' ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
`--cert-name 'npm-${certificate.id}' ` +
'--preferred-challenges "dns,http" ' +
'--no-random-sleep-on-renew ' +
'--disable-hook-validation ' +
(letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
(letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
logger.info('Command:', cmd);
return utils.exec(cmd)
.then((result) => {
return result;
* @param {Object} certificate the certificate row
* @returns {Promise}
renewLetsEncryptSslWithDnsChallenge: (certificate) => {
const dnsPlugin = dnsPlugins[certificate.meta.dns_provider];
if (!dnsPlugin) {
throw Error(`Unknown DNS provider '${certificate.meta.dns_provider}'`);
logger.info(`Renewing Let'sEncrypt certificates via ${dnsPlugin.name} for Cert #${certificate.id}: ${certificate.domain_names.join(', ')}`);
let mainCmd = certbotCommand + ' renew --force-renewal ' +
`--config "${letsencryptConfig}" ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
`--cert-name 'npm-${certificate.id}' ` +
'--disable-hook-validation ' +
'--no-random-sleep-on-renew ' +
(letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
(letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
// Prepend the path to the credentials file as an environment variable
if (certificate.meta.dns_provider === 'route53') {
const credentialsLocation = '/etc/letsencrypt/credentials/credentials-' + certificate.id;
mainCmd = 'AWS_CONFIG_FILE=\'' + credentialsLocation + '\' ' + mainCmd;
logger.info('Command:', mainCmd);
return utils.exec(mainCmd)
.then(async (result) => {
return result;
* @param {Object} certificate the certificate row
* @param {Boolean} [throw_errors]
* @returns {Promise}
revokeLetsEncryptSsl: (certificate, throw_errors) => {
logger.info('Revoking Let\'sEncrypt certificates for Cert #' + certificate.id + ': ' + certificate.domain_names.join(', '));
const mainCmd = certbotCommand + ' revoke ' +
`--config '${letsencryptConfig}' ` +
'--work-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-lib" ' +
'--logs-dir "/tmp/letsencrypt-log" ' +
`--cert-path '/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-${certificate.id}/fullchain.pem' ` +
'--delete-after-revoke ' +
(letsencryptServer !== null ? `--server '${letsencryptServer}' ` : '') +
(letsencryptStaging && letsencryptServer === null ? '--staging ' : '');
// Don't fail command if file does not exist
const delete_credentialsCmd = `rm -f '/etc/letsencrypt/credentials/credentials-${certificate.id}' || true`;
logger.info('Command:', mainCmd + '; ' + delete_credentialsCmd);
return utils.exec(mainCmd)
.then(async (result) => {
await utils.exec(delete_credentialsCmd);
return result;
.catch((err) => {
if (throw_errors) {
throw err;
* @param {Object} certificate
* @returns {Boolean}
hasLetsEncryptSslCerts: (certificate) => {
const letsencryptPath = '/etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-' + certificate.id;
return fs.existsSync(letsencryptPath + '/fullchain.pem') && fs.existsSync(letsencryptPath + '/privkey.pem');
* @param {Object} in_use_result
* @param {Number} in_use_result.total_count
* @param {Array} in_use_result.proxy_hosts
* @param {Array} in_use_result.redirection_hosts
* @param {Array} in_use_result.dead_hosts
disableInUseHosts: (in_use_result) => {
if (in_use_result.total_count) {
let promises = [];
if (in_use_result.proxy_hosts.length) {
promises.push(internalNginx.bulkDeleteConfigs('proxy_host', in_use_result.proxy_hosts));
if (in_use_result.redirection_hosts.length) {
promises.push(internalNginx.bulkDeleteConfigs('redirection_host', in_use_result.redirection_hosts));
if (in_use_result.dead_hosts.length) {
promises.push(internalNginx.bulkDeleteConfigs('dead_host', in_use_result.dead_hosts));
return Promise.all(promises);
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
* @param {Object} in_use_result
* @param {Number} in_use_result.total_count
* @param {Array} in_use_result.proxy_hosts
* @param {Array} in_use_result.redirection_hosts
* @param {Array} in_use_result.dead_hosts
enableInUseHosts: (in_use_result) => {
if (in_use_result.total_count) {
let promises = [];
if (in_use_result.proxy_hosts.length) {
promises.push(internalNginx.bulkGenerateConfigs('proxy_host', in_use_result.proxy_hosts));
if (in_use_result.redirection_hosts.length) {
promises.push(internalNginx.bulkGenerateConfigs('redirection_host', in_use_result.redirection_hosts));
if (in_use_result.dead_hosts.length) {
promises.push(internalNginx.bulkGenerateConfigs('dead_host', in_use_result.dead_hosts));
return Promise.all(promises);
} else {
return Promise.resolve();
testHttpsChallenge: async (access, domains) => {
await access.can('certificates:list');
if (!isArray(domains)) {
throw new error.InternalValidationError('Domains must be an array of strings');
if (domains.length === 0) {
throw new error.InternalValidationError('No domains provided');
// Create a test challenge file
const testChallengeDir = '/data/letsencrypt-acme-challenge/.well-known/acme-challenge';
const testChallengeFile = testChallengeDir + '/test-challenge';
fs.mkdirSync(testChallengeDir, {recursive: true});
fs.writeFileSync(testChallengeFile, 'Success', {encoding: 'utf8'});
async function performTestForDomain (domain) {
logger.info('Testing http challenge for ' + domain);
const url = `http://${domain}/.well-known/acme-challenge/test-challenge`;
const formBody = `method=G&url=${encodeURI(url)}&bodytype=T&requestbody=&headername=User-Agent&headervalue=None&locationid=1&ch=false&cc=false`;
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(formBody)
const result = await new Promise((resolve) => {
const req = https.request('https://www.site24x7.com/tools/restapi-tester', options, function (res) {
let responseBody = '';
res.on('data', (chunk) => responseBody = responseBody + chunk);
res.on('end', function () {
try {
const parsedBody = JSON.parse(responseBody + '');
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
logger.warn(`Failed to test HTTP challenge for domain ${domain} because HTTP status code ${res.statusCode} was returned: ${parsedBody.message}`);
} else {
} catch (err) {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
logger.warn(`Failed to test HTTP challenge for domain ${domain} because HTTP status code ${res.statusCode} was returned`);
} else {
logger.warn(`Failed to test HTTP challenge for domain ${domain} because response failed to be parsed: ${err.message}`);
// Make sure to write the request body.
req.on('error', function (e) { logger.warn(`Failed to test HTTP challenge for domain ${domain}`, e);
resolve(undefined); });
if (!result) {
// Some error occurred while trying to get the data
return 'failed';
} else if (result.error) {
logger.info(`HTTP challenge test failed for domain ${domain} because error was returned: ${result.error.msg}`);
return `other:${result.error.msg}`;
} else if (`${result.responsecode}` === '200' && result.htmlresponse === 'Success') {
// Server exists and has responded with the correct data
return 'ok';
} else if (`${result.responsecode}` === '200') {
// Server exists but has responded with wrong data
logger.info(`HTTP challenge test failed for domain ${domain} because of invalid returned data:`, result.htmlresponse);
return 'wrong-data';
} else if (`${result.responsecode}` === '404') {
// Server exists but responded with a 404
logger.info(`HTTP challenge test failed for domain ${domain} because code 404 was returned`);
return '404';
} else if (`${result.responsecode}` === '0' || (typeof result.reason === 'string' && result.reason.toLowerCase() === 'host unavailable')) {
// Server does not exist at domain
logger.info(`HTTP challenge test failed for domain ${domain} the host was not found`);
return 'no-host';
} else {
// Other errors
logger.info(`HTTP challenge test failed for domain ${domain} because code ${result.responsecode} was returned`);
return `other:${result.responsecode}`;
const results = {};
for (const domain of domains){
results[domain] = await performTestForDomain(domain);
// Remove the test challenge file
return results;
module.exports = internalCertificate;