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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2006-2016 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
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// | Author: yunwuxin <448901948@qq.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
use think\Collection;
use think\helper\Arr;
if (!function_exists('throw_if')) {
* 按条件抛异常
* @template TValue
* @template TException of \Throwable
* @param TValue $condition
* @param TException|class-string<TException>|string $exception
* @param mixed ...$parameters
* @return TValue
* @throws TException
function throw_if($condition, $exception, ...$parameters)
if ($condition) {
throw (is_string($exception) ? new $exception(...$parameters) : $exception);
return $condition;
if (!function_exists('throw_unless')) {
* 按条件抛异常
* @template TValue
* @template TException of \Throwable
* @param TValue $condition
* @param TException|class-string<TException>|string $exception
* @param mixed ...$parameters
* @return TValue
* @throws TException
function throw_unless($condition, $exception, ...$parameters)
if (!$condition) {
throw (is_string($exception) ? new $exception(...$parameters) : $exception);
return $condition;
if (!function_exists('tap')) {
* 对一个值调用给定的闭包,然后返回该值
* @template TValue
* @param TValue $value
* @param (callable(TValue): mixed)|null $callback
* @return TValue
function tap($value, $callback = null)
if (is_null($callback)) {
return $value;
return $value;
if (!function_exists('value')) {
* Return the default value of the given value.
* @template TValue
* @param TValue|\Closure(): TValue $value
* @return TValue
function value($value)
return $value instanceof Closure ? $value() : $value;
if (!function_exists('collect')) {
* Create a collection from the given value.
* @param mixed $value
* @return Collection
function collect($value = null)
return new Collection($value);
if (!function_exists('data_fill')) {
* Fill in data where it's missing.
* @param mixed $target
* @param string|array $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return mixed
function data_fill(&$target, $key, $value)
return data_set($target, $key, $value, false);
if (!function_exists('data_get')) {
* Get an item from an array or object using "dot" notation.
* @param mixed $target
* @param string|array|int $key
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
function data_get($target, $key, $default = null)
if (is_null($key)) {
return $target;
$key = is_array($key) ? $key : explode('.', $key);
while (!is_null($segment = array_shift($key))) {
if ('*' === $segment) {
if ($target instanceof Collection) {
$target = $target->all();
} elseif (!is_array($target)) {
return value($default);
$result = [];
foreach ($target as $item) {
$result[] = data_get($item, $key);
return in_array('*', $key) ? Arr::collapse($result) : $result;
if (Arr::accessible($target) && Arr::exists($target, $segment)) {
$target = $target[$segment];
} elseif (is_object($target) && isset($target->{$segment})) {
$target = $target->{$segment};
} else {
return value($default);
return $target;
if (!function_exists('data_set')) {
* Set an item on an array or object using dot notation.
* @param mixed $target
* @param string|array $key
* @param mixed $value
* @param bool $overwrite
* @return mixed
function data_set(&$target, $key, $value, $overwrite = true)
$segments = is_array($key) ? $key : explode('.', $key);
if (($segment = array_shift($segments)) === '*') {
if (!Arr::accessible($target)) {
$target = [];
if ($segments) {
foreach ($target as &$inner) {
data_set($inner, $segments, $value, $overwrite);
} elseif ($overwrite) {
foreach ($target as &$inner) {
$inner = $value;
} elseif (Arr::accessible($target)) {
if ($segments) {
if (!Arr::exists($target, $segment)) {
$target[$segment] = [];
data_set($target[$segment], $segments, $value, $overwrite);
} elseif ($overwrite || !Arr::exists($target, $segment)) {
$target[$segment] = $value;
} elseif (is_object($target)) {
if ($segments) {
if (!isset($target->{$segment})) {
$target->{$segment} = [];
data_set($target->{$segment}, $segments, $value, $overwrite);
} elseif ($overwrite || !isset($target->{$segment})) {
$target->{$segment} = $value;
} else {
$target = [];
if ($segments) {
data_set($target[$segment], $segments, $value, $overwrite);
} elseif ($overwrite) {
$target[$segment] = $value;
return $target;
if (!function_exists('trait_uses_recursive')) {
* 获取一个trait里所有引用到的trait
* @param string $trait Trait
* @return array
function trait_uses_recursive(string $trait): array
$traits = class_uses($trait);
foreach ($traits as $trait) {
$traits += trait_uses_recursive($trait);
return $traits;
if (!function_exists('class_basename')) {
* 获取类名(不包含命名空间)
* @param mixed $class 类名
* @return string
function class_basename($class): string
$class = is_object($class) ? get_class($class) : $class;
return basename(str_replace('\\', '/', $class));
if (!function_exists('class_uses_recursive')) {
* @param mixed $class 类名
* @return array
function class_uses_recursive($class): array
if (is_object($class)) {
$class = get_class($class);
$results = [];
$classes = array_merge([$class => $class], class_parents($class));
foreach ($classes as $class) {
$results += trait_uses_recursive($class);
return array_unique($results);