xboard 5a08754735
Some checks failed
Docker Build and Publish / build (push) Has been cancelled
Fix: Handle null content in PlanResource::formatContent method
- Fix deprecated warning when passing null to str_replace() function\n- Use null coalescing operator to provide empty string as default value\n- Comply with PHP 8.2+ type requirements
2025-02-25 19:14:19 +08:00

120 lines
3.7 KiB

namespace App\Http\Resources;
use App\Models\Plan;
use App\Services\PlanService;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;
class PlanResource extends JsonResource
private const PRICE_MULTIPLIER = 100;
* Transform the resource into an array.
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function toArray(Request $request): array
return [
'id' => $this->resource['id'],
'group_id' => $this->resource['group_id'],
'name' => $this->resource['name'],
'content' => $this->formatContent(),
'capacity_limit' => $this->getFormattedCapacityLimit(),
'transfer_enable' => $this->resource['transfer_enable'],
'speed_limit' => $this->resource['speed_limit'],
'show' => (bool) $this->resource['show'],
'sell' => (bool) $this->resource['sell'],
'renew' => (bool) $this->resource['renew'],
'reset_traffic_method' => $this->resource['reset_traffic_method'],
'sort' => $this->resource['sort'],
'created_at' => $this->resource['created_at'],
'updated_at' => $this->resource['updated_at']
* Get transformed period prices using Plan mapping
* @return array<string, float|null>
protected function getPeriodPrices(): array
return collect(Plan::LEGACY_PERIOD_MAPPING)
->mapWithKeys(function (string $newPeriod, string $legacyPeriod): array {
$price = $this->resource['prices'][$newPeriod] ?? null;
return [
$legacyPeriod => $price !== null
? (float) $price * self::PRICE_MULTIPLIER
: null
* Get formatted capacity limit value
* @return int|string|null
protected function getFormattedCapacityLimit(): int|string|null
$limit = $this->resource['capacity_limit'];
return match (true) {
$limit === null => null,
$limit <= 0 => __('Sold out'),
default => (int) $limit,
* Format content with template variables
* @return string
protected function formatContent(): string
$content = $this->resource['content'] ?? '';
$replacements = [
'{{transfer}}' => $this->resource['transfer_enable'],
'{{speed}}' => $this->resource['speed_limit'] === NULL ? __('No Limit') : $this->resource['speed_limit'],
'{{devices}}' => $this->resource['device_limit'] === NULL ? __('No Limit') : $this->resource['device_limit'],
'{{reset_method}}' => $this->getResetMethodText(),
return str_replace(
* Get reset method text
* @return string
protected function getResetMethodText(): string
$method = $this->resource['reset_traffic_method'];
if ($method === Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_FOLLOW_SYSTEM) {
$method = admin_setting('reset_traffic_method', Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_MONTHLY);
return match ($method) {
Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_FIRST_DAY_MONTH => __('First Day of Month'),
Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_MONTHLY => __('Monthly'),
Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_NEVER => __('Never'),
Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_FIRST_DAY_YEAR => __('First Day of Year'),
Plan::RESET_TRAFFIC_YEARLY => __('Yearly'),
default => __('Monthly')