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# User Guide
## install script
**Recommended configuration:** Preparation before installation _Two domains_,one can **access CDN** as _Public Access_,for example (status.nai.ba);Another one resolves to the panel server as Agent connect Dashboard use,**can't access CDN** Direct exposure panel host IP,for example(ip-to-dashboard.nai.ba)。
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install_en.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh
sudo ./nezha.sh
_\* use WatchTower Panels can be updated automatically,Windows terminal can use nssm configure autostart_
**Windows -A key installation Agent (please use Powershell admin rights)**
set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned;Invoke-WebRequest https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.ps1 -OutFile C:\install.ps1;powershell.exe C:\install.ps1 dashboard_host:grpc_port secret
_In case of confirmation「Implement policy changes」please choose Y_
### Agent customize
#### Custom monitoring of network cards and hard disk partitions
implement `/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent --edit-agent-config` to select custom NICs and partitions,then reboot just agent
#### Operating parameters
by executing `./nezha-agent --help` View supported parameters,If you use one-click scripting,can be edited `/etc/systemd/system/nezha-agent.service`,exist `ExecStart=` At the end of this line add
- `--report-delay` System information reporting interval,The default is 1 Second,can be set to 3 to further reduce agent End-system resource usage(Configuration interval 1-4)
- `--skip-conn` Do not monitor the number of connections,if vpn-gateway/connection-intensive machines High CPU usage,Recommended settings
- `--skip-procs` Do not monitor the number of processes,can also be reduced agent occupy
- `--disable-auto-update` prohibit **auto update** Agent(safety features)
- `--disable-force-update` prohibit **Force update** Agent(safety features)
- `--disable-command-execute` prohibited in Agent Execute scheduled tasks on the machine、Open online terminal(safety features)
- `--tls` enable SSL/TLS encryption(use nginx reverse proxy Agent of grpc connect,and nginx turn on SSL/TLS Time,This configuration needs to be enabled)
## Function Description
<summary>Scheduled Tasks:backup script、service restart,and other periodic operation and maintenance tasks。</summary>
Use this feature to periodically combine restic、rclone back up the server,Or periodically restart some service to reset the network connection。
<summary>Alarm notification:Real-time monitoring of load, CPU, memory, hard disk, bandwidth, traffic, monthly traffic, number of processes, and number of connections。</summary>
#### Flexible notification methods
`#NEZHA#` is the panel message placeholder,The panel will automatically replace the placeholder with the actual message when the notification is triggered
Body content is`JSON` formatted:**when the request type is FORM Time**,value is `key:value` form,`value` Placeholders can be placed inside,Automatically replace when notified。**when the request type is JSON** It will only be submitted directly to the`URL`。
URL Placeholders can also be placed inside,Simple string replacement is done when requested。
Refer to the example below,very flexible。
1. Add notification method
- telegram Example [@haitau](https://github.com/haitau) contribute
- name:telegram Robot message notification
- URL:<https://api.telegram.org/botXXXXXX/sendMessage?chat_id=YYYYYY&text=#NEZHA>#
- request method: GET
- request type: default
- Body: null
- URL Parameter acquisition instructions:botXXXXXX Neutral XXXXXX is in telegram Follow the official @Botfather ,enter/newbot ,Create new bot(bot)Time,will provide token(in prompt Use this token to access the HTTP API:next line)here 'bot' Three letters are indispensable. After bot created, You need to chat with the BOT to have a conversation(Just send a message),then available API Send a message. YYYYYY is telegram user's number ID。with the robot @userinfobot Dialogue is available。
2. Add an offline alarm
- name:Offline notifications
- rule:`[{"Type":"offline","Duration":10}]`
- enable:√
3. add a monitor CPU continued 10s Exceed 50% **and** memory persistent 20s Occupied less than 20% the alarm
- name:CPU+RAM
- rule:`[{"Type":"cpu","Min":0,"Max":50,"Duration":10},{"Type":"memory","Min":20,"Max":0,"Duration":20}]`
- enable:√
#### Description of alarm rules
##### basic rules
- type
- `cpu`、`memory`、`swap`、`disk`
- `net_in_speed` Inbound speed、`net_out_speed` Outbound speed、`net_all_speed` two-way speed、`transfer_in` Inbound traffic、`transfer_out` Outbound traffic、`transfer_all` bidirectional traffic
- `offline` Offline monitoring
- `load1`、`load5`、`load15` load
- `process_count` number of processes _Currently fetching threads takes up too many resources,Temporarily not supported_
- `tcp_conn_count`、`udp_conn_count` number of connections
- duration:duration in seconds,Sampling records in seconds 30% The above trigger threshold will only alarm(Anti-Data Pin)
- min/max
- flow、Network speed class value as bytes(1KB=1024B,1MB = 1024\*1024B)
- memory、hard disk、CPU occupancy percentage
- Offline monitoring without setup
- cover `[{"type":"offline","duration":10, "cover":0, "ignore":{"5": true}}]`
- `0` monitor all,pass `ignore` ignore specific server
- `1` ignore all,pass `ignore` Monitor specific servers
- ignore: `{"1": true, "2":false}` specific server,match `cover` use
##### special:Arbitrary cycle flow alarm
Can be used as monthly flow alarm
- type
- transfer_in_cycle Inbound traffic during the period
- transfer_out_cycle Outbound traffic during the period
- transfer_all_cycle Bidirectional flow in cycles and
- cycle_start Fiscal Period Start Date(Can be the start date of your machine billing cycle),RFC3339 Time format,For example, Beijing time is`2022-01-11T08:00:00.00+08:00`
- cycle_interval How many cycle units every (for example, if the cycle unit is days, the value is 7, which means that the statistics will be counted every 7 days)
- cycle_unit Statistical period unit, default `hour`, optional(`hour`, `day`, `week`, `month`, `year`)
- min/max、cover、ignore Refer to Basic Rules Configuration
- Example: ID for 3 the machine(ignore inside the definition)of monthly 15 outbound monthly traffic billed 1T Call the police `[{"type":"transfer_out_cycle","max":1000000000000,"cycle_start":"2022-01-11T08:00:00.00+08:00","cycle_interval":1,"cycle_unit":"month","cover":1,"ignore":{"3":true}}]`

<summary>service monitoring:HTTP、SSL certificate、ping、TCP port etc。</summary>
Enter `/monitor` Click to create a new monitor on the page,Instructions are below the form。
<summary>custom code:Change the logo、change color、Add statistical code, etc.。</summary>
**Effective only on the visitor's home page.**
- Default theme changing progress bar color example
.ui.fine.progress> .bar {
background-color: pink !important;
- DayNight Example of theme changing progress bar color, modifying footer(from [@hyt-allen-xu](https://github.com/hyt-allen-xu))
.ui.fine.progress> .progress-bar {
background-color: #00a7d0 !important;
window.onload = function(){
var footer=document.querySelector("div.footer-container")
footer.innerHTML="©2021 "your name" & Powered by "your name"
- Default theme modification LOGO、Modify footer example(from [@iLay1678](https://github.com/iLay1678))
visibility: hidden;
.footer .is-size-7{
visibility: hidden;
.item img{
visibility: hidden;
window.onload = function(){
var avatar=document.querySelector(".item img")
var footer=document.querySelector("div.is-size-7")
footer.innerHTML="Powered by your name"
avatar.src="your square logo address"
- hotaru Theme change background image example
.hotaru-cover {
background: url(https://s3.ax1x.com/2020/12/08/DzHv6A.jpg) center;
## common problem
<summary>How to perform data migration、Backup and restore?</summary>
1. First use one-click script `stop panel`
2. Pack `/opt/nezha` folder, to the same location in the new environment
3. Use one-click script `Launchpad`
<summary>Agent Start/Go Online Problem Self-Check Process</summary>
1. direct execution `/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent -s Panel IP or non-CDN domain name:Panel RPC port -p Agent key -d` Check if the log is DNS、Poor network causes timeout(timeout) question。
2. `nc -v domain name/IP Panel RPC port` or `telnet domain name/IP Panel RPC port` Check if it is a network problem,Check local and panel server inbound and outbound firewalls,If the single machine cannot judge, you can use the <https://port.ping.pe/> Provided port inspection tool for detection。
3. If the above steps detect normal,Agent normal online,try to close SELinux,[how to close SELinux?](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E5%85%B3%E9%97%ADSELINUX)
<summary>how to make Legacy OpenWRT/LEDE self-start?</summary>
refer to this project: <https://github.com/Erope/openwrt_nezha>
<summary>how to make New version of OpenWRT self-start?via @esdes</summary>
first in release Download the corresponding binary decompression zip After the package is placed in `/root`,Then `chmod +x /root/nezha-agent` give execute permission,then create `/etc/init.d/nezha-service`:
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
start_service() {
procd_set_param command /root/nezha-agent -s Panel URL:receive port -p unique key -d
procd_set_param respawn
stop_service() {
killall nezha-agent
restart() {
sleep 2
give execute permission `chmod +x /etc/init.d/nezha-service` then start the service `/etc/init.d/nezha-service enable && /etc/init.d/nezha-service start`
<summary>Live channel disconnected/Online terminal connection failed</summary>
When using a reverse proxy, you need to target `/ws`,`/terminal` path WebSocket Specially configured to support real-time server status updates and **WebSSH**。
- Nginx(Aapanel/Pagoda):At your nginx Add the following code to the configuration file
#some original configuration
#server_name blablabla...
location ~ ^/(ws|terminal/.+)$ {
proxy_pass http://ip:site access port;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
#others location blablabla...
If not a Aapanel/Pagoda, still in `server{}` add this paragraph
location / {
proxy_pass http://ip:site access port;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
- CaddyServer v1(v2 No special configuration required)
proxy /ws http://ip:8008 {
proxy /terminal/* http://ip:8008 {
<summary>reverse proxy gRPC port(support Cloudflare CDN)</summary>
use Nginx or Caddy reverse proxy gRPC
- Nginx configure
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
server_name ip-to-dashboard.nai.ba; # yours Agent connect Dashboard's domain name
ssl_certificate /data/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem; # your domain certificate path
ssl_certificate_key /data/letsencrypt/key.pem; # Your domain name private key path
underscores_in_headers on;
location / {
grpc_read_timeout 300s;
grpc_send_timeout 300s;
grpc_pass grpc://localhost:5555;
- Caddy configure
ip-to-dashboard.nai.ba:443 { # yours Agent connect Dashboard's domain name
reverse_proxy {
to localhost:5555
transport http {
versions h2c 2
Dashboard Panel side configuration
- First log in to the panel to enter the management background Open the settings page,exist `Panel server domain name that is not connected to CDN/IP` Fill in the previous step in Nginx or Caddy domain name configured in for example `ip-to-dashboard.nai.ba` ,and save。
- then in the panel server,Open /opt/nezha/dashboard/data/config.yaml 文件,将 `proxygrpcport` change into Nginx or Caddy listening port,or as set in the previous step `443` ;because we are Nginx or Caddy turned on SSL/TLS,So it is necessary to `tls` Set as `true` ;Restart the panel after modification is complete。
Agent end configuration
- Login panel management background,Copy the one-click install command,Execute the one-click installation command on the corresponding server to reinstall agent end。
turn on Cloudflare CDN(optional)
according to Cloudflare gRPC requirements:gRPC Service must listen 443 port and must support TLS and HTTP/2。
So if you need to turn it on CDN,must be configured Nginx or Caddy reverse proxy gRPC use when 443 port,and configure the certificate(Caddy Will automatically apply and configure the certificate)。
- Log in Cloudflare,Choose a domain name to use。Open `The internet` option will `gRPC` switch on,Open `DNS` options,turn up Nginx or Caddy Anti-generation gRPC The resolution record of the configured domain name,Open Orange Cloud Enable CDN。