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# User Guide
## install script
**Recommended configuration** Preparation before installation _Two domains_one can **access CDN** as _Public Access_for example (status.nai.ba)Another one resolves to the panel server as Agent connect Dashboard use**can't access CDN** Direct exposure panel host IPfor exampleip-to-dashboard.nai.ba
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install_en.sh -o nezha.sh && chmod +x nezha.sh
sudo ./nezha.sh
_\* use WatchTower Panels can be updated automaticallyWindows terminal can use nssm configure autostart_
**Windows -A key installation Agent please use Powershell admin rights**
set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned;Invoke-WebRequest https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naiba/nezha/master/script/install.ps1 -OutFile C:\install.ps1;powershell.exe C:\install.ps1 dashboard_host:grpc_port secret
_In case of confirmation「Implement policy changes」please choose Y_
### Agent customize
#### Custom monitoring of network cards and hard disk partitions
implement `/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent --edit-agent-config` to select custom NICs and partitionsthen reboot just agent
#### Operating parameters
by executing `./nezha-agent --help` View supported parametersIf you use one-click scriptingcan be edited `/etc/systemd/system/nezha-agent.service`exist `ExecStart=` At the end of this line add
- `--report-delay` System information reporting intervalThe default is 1 Secondcan be set to 3 to further reduce agent End-system resource usageConfiguration interval 1-4
- `--skip-conn` Do not monitor the number of connectionsif vpn-gateway/connection-intensive machines High CPU usageRecommended settings
- `--skip-procs` Do not monitor the number of processescan also be reduced agent occupy
- `--disable-auto-update` prohibit **auto update** Agentsafety features
- `--disable-force-update` prohibit **Force update** Agentsafety features
- `--disable-command-execute` prohibited in Agent Execute scheduled tasks on the machine、Open online terminalsafety features
- `--tls` enable SSL/TLS encryptionuse nginx reverse proxy Agent of grpc connectand nginx turn on SSL/TLS TimeThis configuration needs to be enabled
## Function Description
<summary>Scheduled Tasksbackup script、service restartand other periodic operation and maintenance tasks。</summary>
Use this feature to periodically combine restic、rclone back up the serverOr periodically restart some service to reset the network connection。
<summary>Alarm notificationReal-time monitoring of load, CPU, memory, hard disk, bandwidth, traffic, monthly traffic, number of processes, and number of connections。</summary>
#### Flexible notification methods
`#NEZHA#` is the panel message placeholderThe panel will automatically replace the placeholder with the actual message when the notification is triggered
Body content is`JSON` formatted**when the request type is FORM Time**value is `key:value` form`value` Placeholders can be placed insideAutomatically replace when notified。**when the request type is JSON** It will only be submitted directly to the`URL`。
URL Placeholders can also be placed insideSimple string replacement is done when requested。
Refer to the example belowvery flexible。
1. Add notification method
- telegram Example [@haitau](https://github.com/haitau) contribute
- nametelegram Robot message notification
- URL<https://api.telegram.org/botXXXXXX/sendMessage?chat_id=YYYYYY&text=#NEZHA>#
- request method: GET
- request type: default
- Body: null
- URL Parameter acquisition instructionsbotXXXXXX Neutral XXXXXX is in telegram Follow the official @Botfather enter/newbot Create new botbotTimewill provide tokenin prompt Use this token to access the HTTP API:next linehere 'bot' Three letters are indispensable. After bot created, You need to chat with the BOT to have a conversationJust send a messagethen available API Send a message. YYYYYY is telegram user's number ID。with the robot @userinfobot Dialogue is available。
2. Add an offline alarm
- nameOffline notifications
- rule`[{"Type":"offline","Duration":10}]`
- enable
3. add a monitor CPU continued 10s Exceed 50% **and** memory persistent 20s Occupied less than 20% the alarm
- nameCPU+RAM
- rule`[{"Type":"cpu","Min":0,"Max":50,"Duration":10},{"Type":"memory","Min":20,"Max":0,"Duration":20}]`
- enable
#### Description of alarm rules
##### basic rules
- type
- `cpu`、`memory`、`swap`、`disk`
- `net_in_speed` Inbound speed、`net_out_speed` Outbound speed、`net_all_speed` two-way speed、`transfer_in` Inbound traffic、`transfer_out` Outbound traffic、`transfer_all` bidirectional traffic
- `offline` Offline monitoring
- `load1`、`load5`、`load15` load
- `process_count` number of processes _Currently fetching threads takes up too many resourcesTemporarily not supported_
- `tcp_conn_count`、`udp_conn_count` number of connections
- durationduration in secondsSampling records in seconds 30% The above trigger threshold will only alarmAnti-Data Pin
- min/max
- flow、Network speed class value as bytes1KB=1024B1MB = 1024\*1024B
- memory、hard disk、CPU occupancy percentage
- Offline monitoring without setup
- cover `[{"type":"offline","duration":10, "cover":0, "ignore":{"5": true}}]`
- `0` monitor allpass `ignore` ignore specific server
- `1` ignore allpass `ignore` Monitor specific servers
- ignore: `{"1": true, "2":false}` specific servermatch `cover` use
##### specialArbitrary cycle flow alarm
Can be used as monthly flow alarm
- type
- transfer_in_cycle Inbound traffic during the period
- transfer_out_cycle Outbound traffic during the period
- transfer_all_cycle Bidirectional flow in cycles and
- cycle_start Fiscal Period Start DateCan be the start date of your machine billing cycleRFC3339 Time formatFor example, Beijing time is`2022-01-11T08:00:00.00+08:00`
- cycle_interval How many cycle units every (for example, if the cycle unit is days, the value is 7, which means that the statistics will be counted every 7 days
- cycle_unit Statistical period unit, default `hour`, optional(`hour`, `day`, `week`, `month`, `year`)
- min/max、cover、ignore Refer to Basic Rules Configuration
- Example: ID for 3 the machineignore inside the definitionof monthly 15 outbound monthly traffic billed 1T Call the police `[{"type":"transfer_out_cycle","max":1000000000000,"cycle_start":"2022-01-11T08:00:00.00+08:00","cycle_interval":1,"cycle_unit":"month","cover":1,"ignore":{"3":true}}]`
<summary>service monitoringHTTP、SSL certificate、ping、TCP port etc。</summary>
Enter `/monitor` Click to create a new monitor on the pageInstructions are below the form。
<summary>custom codeChange the logo、change color、Add statistical code, etc.。</summary>
**Effective only on the visitor's home page.**
- Default theme changing progress bar color example
.ui.fine.progress> .bar {
background-color: pink !important;
- DayNight Example of theme changing progress bar color, modifying footerfrom [@hyt-allen-xu](https://github.com/hyt-allen-xu)
.ui.fine.progress> .progress-bar {
background-color: #00a7d0 !important;
window.onload = function(){
var footer=document.querySelector("div.footer-container")
footer.innerHTML="©2021 "your name" & Powered by "your name"
- Default theme modification LOGO、Modify footer examplefrom [@iLay1678](https://github.com/iLay1678)
visibility: hidden;
.footer .is-size-7{
visibility: hidden;
.item img{
visibility: hidden;
window.onload = function(){
var avatar=document.querySelector(".item img")
var footer=document.querySelector("div.is-size-7")
footer.innerHTML="Powered by your name"
avatar.src="your square logo address"
- hotaru Theme change background image example
.hotaru-cover {
background: url(https://s3.ax1x.com/2020/12/08/DzHv6A.jpg) center;
## common problem
<summary>How to perform data migration、Backup and restore</summary>
1. First use one-click script `stop panel`
2. Pack `/opt/nezha` folder, to the same location in the new environment
3. Use one-click script `Launchpad`
<summary>Agent Start/Go Online Problem Self-Check Process</summary>
1. direct execution `/opt/nezha/agent/nezha-agent -s Panel IP or non-CDN domain name:Panel RPC port -p Agent key -d` Check if the log is DNS、Poor network causes timeouttimeout question。
2. `nc -v domain name/IP Panel RPC port` or `telnet domain name/IP Panel RPC port` Check if it is a network problemCheck local and panel server inbound and outbound firewallsIf the single machine cannot judge, you can use the <https://port.ping.pe/> Provided port inspection tool for detection。
3. If the above steps detect normalAgent normal onlinetry to close SELinux[how to close SELinux](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E5%85%B3%E9%97%ADSELINUX)
<summary>how to make Legacy OpenWRT/LEDE self-start</summary>
refer to this project: <https://github.com/Erope/openwrt_nezha>
<summary>how to make New version of OpenWRT self-startvia @esdes</summary>
first in release Download the corresponding binary decompression zip After the package is placed in `/root`Then `chmod +x /root/nezha-agent` give execute permissionthen create `/etc/init.d/nezha-service`
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
start_service() {
procd_set_param command /root/nezha-agent -s Panel URL:receive port -p unique key -d
procd_set_param respawn
stop_service() {
killall nezha-agent
restart() {
sleep 2
give execute permission `chmod +x /etc/init.d/nezha-service` then start the service `/etc/init.d/nezha-service enable && /etc/init.d/nezha-service start`
<summary>Live channel disconnected/Online terminal connection failed</summary>
When using a reverse proxy, you need to target `/ws`,`/terminal` path WebSocket Specially configured to support real-time server status updates and **WebSSH**
- Nginx(Aapanel/Pagoda)At your nginx Add the following code to the configuration file
#some original configuration
#server_name blablabla...
location ~ ^/(ws|terminal/.+)$ {
proxy_pass http://ip:site access port;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
#others location blablabla...
If not a Aapanel/Pagoda, still in `server{}` add this paragraph
location / {
proxy_pass http://ip:site access port;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
- CaddyServer v1v2 No special configuration required
proxy /ws http://ip:8008 {
proxy /terminal/* http://ip:8008 {
<summary>reverse proxy gRPC portsupport Cloudflare CDN</summary>
use Nginx or Caddy reverse proxy gRPC
- Nginx configure
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
server_name ip-to-dashboard.nai.ba; # yours Agent connect Dashboard's domain name
ssl_certificate /data/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem; # your domain certificate path
ssl_certificate_key /data/letsencrypt/key.pem; # Your domain name private key path
underscores_in_headers on;
location / {
grpc_read_timeout 300s;
grpc_send_timeout 300s;
grpc_pass grpc://localhost:5555;
- Caddy configure
ip-to-dashboard.nai.ba:443 { # yours Agent connect Dashboard's domain name
reverse_proxy {
to localhost:5555
transport http {
versions h2c 2
Dashboard Panel side configuration
- First log in to the panel to enter the management background Open the settings pageexist `Panel server domain name that is not connected to CDN/IP` Fill in the previous step in Nginx or Caddy domain name configured in for example `ip-to-dashboard.nai.ba` and save。
- then in the panel serverOpen /opt/nezha/dashboard/data/config.yaml 文件,将 `proxygrpcport` change into Nginx or Caddy listening portor as set in the previous step `443` because we are Nginx or Caddy turned on SSL/TLSSo it is necessary to `tls` Set as `true` Restart the panel after modification is complete。
Agent end configuration
- Login panel management backgroundCopy the one-click install commandExecute the one-click installation command on the corresponding server to reinstall agent end。
turn on Cloudflare CDNoptional
according to Cloudflare gRPC requirementsgRPC Service must listen 443 port and must support TLS and HTTP/2。
So if you need to turn it on CDNmust be configured Nginx or Caddy reverse proxy gRPC use when 443 portand configure the certificateCaddy Will automatically apply and configure the certificate
- Log in CloudflareChoose a domain name to use。Open `The internet` option will `gRPC` switch onOpen `DNS` optionsturn up Nginx or Caddy Anti-generation gRPC The resolution record of the configured domain nameOpen Orange Cloud Enable CDN。