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synced 2025-03-12 00:38:14 -04:00

* Fix wrapping when too many hosts are shown (#207) * Update npm packages, fixes CVE-2019-10757 * Revert some breaking packages * Major overhaul - Docker buildx support in CI - Cypress API Testing in CI - Restructured folder layout (insert clean face meme) - Added Swagger documentation and validate API against that (to be completed) - Use common base image for all supported archs, which includes updated nginx with ipv6 support - Updated certbot and changes required for it - Large amount of Hosts names will wrap in UI - Updated packages for frontend - Version bump 2.1.0 * Updated documentation * Fix JWT expire time going crazy. Now set to 1day * Backend JS formatting rules * Remove v1 importer, I doubt anyone is using v1 anymore * Added backend formatting rules and enforce them in Jenkins builds * Fix CI, doesn't need a tty * Thanks bcrypt. Why can't you just be normal. * Cleanup after syntax check Co-authored-by: Marcelo Castagna <margaale@users.noreply.github.com>
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